18 June 2010

Closing Time

So. Here we are, months later. I leave to go back to the United States tomorrow and as sad as I am to leave France, I am just as excited [if not more] to be back. To speak English freely, with anyone I want. To get hugs and give them. That's one thing about France that is just not cool. I mean, in the US, everyone hugs everyone, it's nice, intimate, friendly...simply wonderful. What I don't get is that in France they talk to each other three inches from each other's face, they kiss everyone on the cheek and they make-out regardless of their audience or stage. But they can't hug. French people are so weird.

Last night I got to hang out with my friend Marius one last time before my flight. Luckily, we both took advantage of being together one last time and made the most of my last night out in France.

Ingredients :

Couple bottles of 1664
1 bottle of white wine [fruity]
1 set of hockey gear [pads, socks, jersey, helmet, stick]
1 swimsuit from the 1910 era
1 Indian headdress
2 free spirits/awkward people
A great location
2 attitudes [style : "on s'en fout"]

I sported the hockey uniform, Marius in the swimsuit [over his clothes] and the headdress and we walked around his little ghetto suburb of Paris, St. Ouen, for a good while. We got silly looks, giggles and people who refused to look at us until they had passed, only to turn around and ogle at our outfits. Maybe it doesn't sound like much, but it was a lot of fun and I'm glad to have spent my last night out in France having a grand old time.

Tomorrow I leave early in the morning, travel for about 20 hours and arrive in the KC airport at night. There, I'll be picked up by one of the greatest people ever, we'll migrate to Lawrence and a little regrouping with some other great people will lead to a great first night back. I'm so excited, even though part of me isn't ready, and never will be ready, to leave France.

Good thing I'll be back. Pff, I still gotta teach these Frenchies a thing or two !

On another note, I got a pretty awesome call via Skype from three of my favorite people on Earth - Nick, Steve and LoBo. Not only was it wonderful to see their faces, but we talked about AIESEC for the majority of the time. I think I've decided I'm going to run for LCP, due to our current situation as AIESEC Kansas. Hum. As stressful as the position could be and probably will be if I'm selected, I think it'd be worth it. I love AIESEC so much.

Later for now, I'll catch you all across the lake.

"Tu dors?

Oui et je suis en plein dans un rĂªve, je te rappelle pendant la pub!"

-Gad Elmaleh [from the sketch "Papa est en Haut"]

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